- 2025最新小学作文大全
[小学六年级作文]小学六年级关于故宫的英语作文 发表日期:2018-10-24
今天,我们来到了故宫。Today, we came to the Imperial Palace.我们先到了广场,广场大极了!广场上有五座精巧的汉白玉拱桥。桥下有一条金水河,形似玉带,漂亮极了。We first went to the Plaza, Plaza! There are five exq...
[小学六年级作文]小学六年级英语作文my family rules 发表日期:2018-10-24
As thesaying goes,”as a country has its state laws, a family also needs family rules.”Every family has its rules. My family rule is no mat...
[小学六年级作文]小学六年级清明踏青的英语作文 发表日期:2018-10-24
4月4日这一天,天气晴朗,气温不高也不低,正好是踏青的好日子。我和外婆一大早出发,去松江郊外踏青。On the day of April 4th, the weather is sunny, the temperature is not high not low, it is a good day ...
[小学六年级作文]小学六年级关于克服困难的英语作文 发表日期:2018-10-24
The life of people facing difficulties, but really overcome countless again a few?人的一生面对的困难,但真正克服无数的又有几个?Life is short, only learned to overcome diffi...
[小学六年级作文]小学六年级关于母亲节英语作文 发表日期:2018-10-24
The mother line, wandering clothing leaving thick seam, Italy to the fear of delay who grass-inch heart, reported in the apartments?" The famous ...
[小学六年级作文]小学六年级暑假计划英语作文 发表日期:2018-10-24
summer can be very hot in southern taiwan where the temperature usually goes up to 32"c or more. because of the heat it is a trying experience to...
[小学六年级作文]小学六年级绿色校园英语作文 发表日期:2018-10-24
Recently, more and more colleges and universities have realized the importance of creating green campus, it has become a new trend throughout the coun...
[小学六年级作文]小学六年级关于绿色校园英语作文 发表日期:2018-10-24
With the development of scientific conductions, our daily life is becoming more and more convenient. But everything has both its good and bad sides, p...
[小学六年级作文]小学六年级我的童年英语作文 发表日期:2018-10-24
第一篇My childhood was happy with my mother’s love .In my young heart, my mother was strong and healthy and never got sick. She took me to the prim...
[小学六年级作文]小学六年级英语作文:学校讯息 School information 发表日期:2018-10-24
It's the first day of school once again. Stepping into the gate of the school always reminds me of the responsibility I carry as a student. Being ...
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