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  • 2025最新暑假作文大全
  • [高一作文]高一关于暑假计划英语作文 发表日期:2023-08-28

    I'm happy to have such a good summer holiday!Of course,I have many things to prepare.我很高兴有这样一个愉快的暑假!当然,我有很多事情要做。First,I need to make a plan about ...

  • [高二作文]高二年级暑假英语作文带翻译 发表日期:2024-03-05

    A long summer vacation will soon be past, reviewing this summer, colorful, mix, with hard work, have a happy outcome, sightseeing, enjoy leisure... Re...

  • [高二作文]高二优秀英语作文范文:我的暑假 发表日期:2023-11-21

    Good morning, my dear fellows.I am happy to see all of our classmates come back to school.I would like to share my life in holiday with you.This summe...

  • [高二作文]高二年级暑假旅游计划英语作文 发表日期:2023-08-22

    Travel is a very good means of broadening a person's perspective. It makes you come into contact with different cultures, meet people of different...

  • [高二作文]高二关于我的暑假英语作文(最新) 发表日期:2023-11-15

    暑假里,我看了一本有趣的童话故事书。During the summer vacation, I read an interesting book of fairy tales.我喜欢看这本书,因为这是我看过的童话书中最好看的一本书,我反复看了三、四遍,我对这本书是爱不释手。I like to rea...

  • [高三作文]描写暑假生活的英语范文 发表日期:2018-10-24

    导语:你们的暑假生活是怎么样的呢?下面是灯下文学网小编为大家整理的优秀英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢!暑假生活 My Life in Summer HolidayGood morning, my dear fellows. I am happy to see all of our classmate...

  • [高三作文]英语作文:有意义的暑假 发表日期:2018-10-24

    导语:暑假作业就是你写了一个月,老师写了一个"阅"。下面是灯下文学网小编为大家整理的优秀英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢!记一次有意义的暑假The summer vacation had come round again. I was happy that I could forg...

  • [高三作文]记一次有意义的暑假英语作文 发表日期:2018-10-24

    导语:小编已经没有暑假,你今年暑假准备做什么呢?下面是灯下文学网小编为大家整理的优秀英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢!篇一:记一次有意义的暑假Summer can be very hot in southern Taiwan where the temperature usually goes up ...

  • [高三作文]有关暑假打工的英语作文 发表日期:2023-11-06

    导语:现如今很多人利用暑假的空闲时间去兼职,下面是灯下文学网小编为大家整理的优秀作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢!Summer JobThe summer job is a tradition among students of American universities. Long before the...

  • [高三作文]高三英语作文:暑假趣事 发表日期:2023-11-04

    导语:暑假马上要来了,你有什么趣事要跟我们分享的呢?下面是灯下文学网小编为大家整理的优秀英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢!Summer vacation is over but one thing still makes me hard to forget.That day the weather w...
