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  • 2025最新初中作文大全
  • [初一作文]初中一年级环保英语作文 发表日期:2023-08-26

    Throughout history man has changed his physical environment in order to improve his way of life. With the tools of technology he has altered many phys...

  • [初一作文]初中英语作文:母爱 发表日期:2023-09-13

    Mother's loveAll the people often say:"mother's love is the greatestin the world!"Yes,mother's love is very great.We mother give...

  • [初一作文]初中英语作文:我喜欢冬天 发表日期:2023-09-13

    I Like Winter...

  • [初一作文]初中寒假英语作文:春节 发表日期:2023-09-15

    The Spring FestivalThis year,I had a exciting spring festival.Do you want to know about it?Let me tell you!First,I went to ocean park with my family i...

  • [初一作文]初中英语作文:我的寒假生活 发表日期:2023-09-15

    My Happy Times During Winter VacationI often go to see my grandma and grandpa during winter vacation. They are both seventy years old and live in the ...

  • [初二作文]关于暑假的初中英语作文 发表日期:2024-01-08

    暑假到了,你对于暑假有什么计划呢,下面为大家分享两篇关于暑假的初中英语作文,一起来看看吧My Vacation PlanI'm a Middle School's student.I am busy.Next summer, I have a long vacation and I ...

  • [初二作文]初中英语作文我的校园 发表日期:2023-08-22

    校园,是我们每个人成长过程中不可缺少的载体,它是教育我们知识和为人处世的地方,下面就一起来看看初中英语作文我的校园吧My campusMy school is a beautiful campus, students and civilized manner, in harmony and trea...

  • [初二作文]初中英语作文家乡的河流 发表日期:2024-01-08

    对于一些人来说,家乡的河流,流淌着不少宝贵的童年记忆,现在背井离乡,出来学习或工作了,才偶然想起家乡那条河流,下面就一起来看看初中英语作文家乡的河流吧The river in my hometownI am very familiar with my hometown, I was impresse...

  • [初二作文]初中英语作文:对我影响最深的人 发表日期:2024-01-05

    导语:对你来说,对你影响最深的是什么样的人呢?下面是灯下文学网小编为大家整理的优秀英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢!对我影响最深的人 The Person Who Has Influenced Me The MostMany people will have an idol in their inne...

  • [初二作文]初中暑假的英语作文3篇 发表日期:2023-12-04

    导语:你喜欢暑假吗?下面是灯下文学网小编为大家整理的优秀英语作文,欢迎阅读与借鉴,谢谢!初中暑假英语作文一:Summer PlantSummer can be very hot in southern Taiwan where the temperature usually goes up to 3...
