小学生英语小故事 1
One morning a countryman went to his gooses nest, and saw a yellow and glitteringegg there.He took the egg home. To his delight, he found that it was an egg of pure gold.
Every morning the same thing occurred, and he soon became rich by selling his eggs.
The countryman became more and more greedy. He wanted to get all the gold at once, so he killed the goose, when he looked inside, he found nothing in its body.
小学生英语小故事 2
Jack is a little goose. He has a lovely hat. He likes wearing it very much. But when he sits, his hat can’t stay on his head. He puts his hat down and begins to play game with the hat. When he gets tired of the game, things are not the same. He can’t find his hat. Where is it? Jack thinks hard. He looks up and down, and walks here and there. He can’t find his hat yet. At this time, his mother comes in. As soon as she sees Jack, she cries, “Oh, my dear! Don’t be foolish. Your hat is on your head.” Jack feels very foolish. He doesn’t want to wear his hat on his head.
杰克是一只小鹅。杰克它有一顶可爱的帽子,杰克非常喜欢戴它。当杰克坐着时,他的帽子总是戴着头上。 它脱下它的帽子并开始用帽子玩游戏。当杰克玩累时,事情就不是那样了。 杰克没有找到他的帽子。它在哪里?杰克仔细想。 杰克上下看了看,到处找了找,还是没有找到它的帽子。 这时,杰克的母亲走进来,当她看到杰克就喊道:“啊!亲爱的‘,你真笨,帽子在你的头上。” 杰克感到自己很愚蠢。它不像戴那顶帽子了。
小学生英语小故事 3
The monkey mother has two little monkeys. She likes the younger, not the other.
One day, they were playing in a forest when a wolf came running at them. The monkey ran away with the younger monkey in a hurry and left the older alone. She climbed up a tree and held the younger in her arms.
After some time, the wolf went away slowly. The monkey took the baby out of her arms. She was surprised to see that the baby had died, for the baby was held in arms too highly.
Very long time later, she remembered to look for the older baby. The older baby was hiding in a wood. So he saved himself.
小学生英语小故事 4
There is a naughty boy in a village. He likes telling lies. One day he wants to make fun of the farmers. So he shouts, “Wolf! Wolf! Wolf is coming!” The kind farmers are working in the field. They hear the shout, and hurry to help the boy. But when get there, the boy says: “There isn’t a wolf. I’m joking. The farmers are angry and go back to their field. After a while the boy shouts again, “Wolf! Wolf! Wolf is coming!” And the farmers come and are cheated again. The boy laughs and laughs. They say, “You tell lies. We will not believe you.”
Later a wolf really comes. The boy is very scared. “Wolf! Wolf! Wolf is coming!” the boy shouts and shouts. “Help! Help!” But no one comes. And wolf eats the naughty boy.
后来狼真的来了。男孩十分害怕。 “狼来了!狼来了!”他大声呼喊,“救命啊!救命!”但是没人来。结果这个淘气的男孩被狼吃了。
小学生英语小故事 5
A frog that watched a bullock grazing near resolved shed try her best to match his girth and height. She was an envious frog. See how she puffs and swells and strains with all her might.
"Come, tell me, quickly dear, am I as big as he?" she asks a froggy friend.
"Oh no, my dear, not nearly."
"Now just you watch me stretch! Look close, and tell me clearly. Well, then! You see? Im filling out?"
"It dont seem much to me."
"Well -- now?"
"Just like you were at first."
At last her wild attempts the bounds of nature passed, she never swelled to bullocks size, but strained so hard, she cracked and burst.
Shes not the first, and not the last. No wonder, when the little shop man tries to match the splendor5 of the Provosts board. And Hodge the farmers son spends money like a lord.
小学生英语小故事 6
My uncle has two dogs. One is big and the other is small. He likes them very much.
One day, Mr. Smith came to visit him. When the friend saw two holes in the door, a large hole and a small hole, he was surprised and said, ;My dear friend, why are there two holes in your door?; ;Let my dogs come in and come out, of course,; Mr. Smith asked. ;But why are there two holes? One is enough!; ;But how can the big dog go through the small hole?; my uncle said.
Sometimes a clever man may make such mistakes.
有一天,史密斯先生来看他。当这个朋友看见门口上有连个洞,一个是大洞和一个小洞时,他感到吃惊并说,;我亲爱的朋友,为什么你的门上有连个洞?;我的.叔叔回答说:;当然是让我的两条狗进出了。 史密斯先生问到:"为什么门上要两个洞呢?一个就足够了。"我叔叔说:;大狗怎能走小洞呢?;
小学生英语小故事 7
There are many animals in the forest. Today is a fine day. Animals are having a sport meeting. Monkey, Fox, Panda, Rabbit and Bear are running. Look! Rabbit is the first. Fox and Monkey are the second. Bear is the third. The other animals are shouting, “Bear! Come on! Bear! Come on!” And look there, Duck and Pig are doing high jump. Pig is too fat, he can’t jump very high. So Duck is the champion. Here! Cat and Squirrel are climbing a tree. Cat is ill. So he is the last, but he does his best. This sports meeting is wonderful. The animals are very happy!
森林里有很多动物。 今天天气晴朗,动物要举行运动会。小猴子,狐狸,兔子和小熊在赛跑。看!小兔子得了第一,狐狸和猴子得了第二,小熊得了第三。动物们都在叫喊:“小熊,加油!小熊,加油!”看那儿,小鸭和小猪在比赛跳高。小猪太胖了,成绩不太理想,所有小鸭得了冠军。看这里!小猫和小松鼠在比赛爬树,小猫生病了,没能拿冠军,但它全力以赴了。 运动会可真棒,动物们多开心啊!
小学生英语小故事 8
A 747 was halfway across the Atlantic when the captain got on the loud speaker:"Attention,passengers. We have lost one of our engines,but we can certainly reach London with the three we have left. Unfortunately, we will arrive an hour late as a result. "
Shortly thereafter,the passengers heard the captains voice again:"Guess what,folks. We just lost our third engine,but please be assured we can fly with only one. We will now arrive in London three hours late. "
At this point,one passenger became furious. "For Petes sake,"he shouted,"If we lose another engine,well be up here all night !"
小学生英语小故事 9
A group of penguins at a zoo in Japan take a walk to lose weight. Every day, 15 king penguins there walk 500 meters twice. “Just like human, penguins don’t exercise much during winter. They become fat easily,” says a zookeeper.
在日本的一个动物园里一群企鹅在散步减肥。哪里的15只金企鹅媒体散步两次,每次500米。 动物园工作人员说:“和人类一样,企鹅冬天不怎么运动,容易发胖。”
小学生英语小故事 10
"We shall be much obliged to you," said the impostors, and then they named the different colors and described the pattern of the pretended stuff. The old minister listened attentively to their words, in order that he might repeat them to the Emperor; and then the knaves asked for more silk and gold, saying that it was necessary to complete what they had begun. However, they put all that was given them into their knapsacks; and continued to work with as much apparent diligence as before at their empty looms.
The Emperor now sent another officer of his court to see how the men were getting on, and to ascertain whether the cloth would soon be ready. It was just the same with this gentleman as with the minister; he surveyed the looms on all sides, but could see nothing at all but the empty frames.
小学生英语小故事 11
Many years after receiving my graduate degree, I returned to the State University of New York at Binghamton as a faculty member. One day in a crowded elevator, someone remarked on its inefficiency. I said the elevators had not changed in the 20 years since I began there as a student.
When the door finally opened, I felt a compassionate pat on my back, and turned to see an elderly nun smiling at me. "Youll get that degree, dear," she whispered. "Perseverance is a virtue."
小学生英语小故事 12
Wolf does not keep promises
Hereis a bad wolf in the forest. One day he is eating a lamb. Suddenly a bonesticks in his throat. “Oh, a bone is my throat.” He goes to see adoctor, “Please help me.” The doctor, Mr. Panda says, “Sorry, I can’t help you.The bone is inside.”
“Whatcan I do?” the wolf is sad. Then he meets a crane. “Oh, dear crane. Please helpme. A bone is in my throat. I will pay for your help.”
“Ok. Let me have a try,” the crane says. Shepulls out the bone with her bill. “Now I will go. Remember your words. Youshould pay me,” she says.
“Well. Pay you. I remember,” the wolf says. Withthe words, the wolf bites off the crane’s neck and eats her up.
小学生英语小故事 13
Sam is a little fish. He lives in the sea. He is very lonely. He wants to have a friend. The friend looks like him. Sam sees an ink fish. The ink fish has eight legs. He doesn’t look like Sam. So Sam goes away. Sam meets a shark. He wants to say hello to the shark. The shark opens his big mouth. Sam runs away quickly. Sam is tired and hungry. He wants to have a rest. Then he sees a round fish. She says to him. “Hello! Would you like to be my friend?” Sam answers: “Of course! But you are round. I am flat.” The round fish days: “But we are both fishes.”
Sam thinks and says, “You are right. Let’s be friends.” They become good friends.
塞姆是一条小鱼,他在海里。他生在海里。他很孤独,想要找一个朋友,那个朋友看起来要想他。 塞姆看见一条墨鱼。墨鱼有8条腿,看上去不像塞姆。因此塞姆游走了。塞姆遇见一条鲨鱼。他想跟鲨鱼问好。鲨鱼张开大嘴,塞姆有迅速地逃走了。
小学生英语小故事 14
In the Northern and Southern Dynasties (南北朝,420-589AD) when the State of Chen (陈国) was facing its demise, Xu Deyan (徐德言), husband of the princess, broke a bronze mirror into halves.
Each of them kept a half as tokens in case they were separated.
Soon afterwards, they did lose touch with each other, but the two halves of the mirror enabled them to be reunited.
This idiom is used to refer to the reunion of a couple after they lose touch or break up.
小学生英语小故事 15
Teacher:Can you make a sentence with the word "egg"?
Student:Yes.I ate a piece of cake yesterday.
Teacher:Then where is the “egg"?
Student:In the cake,Sir.
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