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来源: 一九文学网 发布时间: 2018-10-15 13:22:37 浏览人气: 86 字体:[大][中][小]               




  Narrator: Once upon a time there was an emperor, he in order to be well dressed, do not spend all his money, he every day at one o'clock to change a set of clothes. One day, two swindlers came to town.


  Two swindlers: Your Majesty, we can weave the most beautiful cloth, but also out of the slit has a characteristic clothes -- any hopelessly incompetent and stupid people can not see the clothes. Beam with joy.

  皇 帝:那真是最理想的衣服!我穿了这样的衣服,就可以看出我的王国里哪些人不称职;就可以辨别出哪些人是聪明人,哪些人是傻子。是的,我要叫他们马上织出这样的布来!(指着喊)

  The Emperor: that's the best clothes! I wear this dress, you can see my kingdom who is incompetent; you can tell who is a wise man, who is a fool. Yes, I want to ask them to immediately weave the cloth! (pointing to shout)


  Two swindlers: Your Majesty, we need a lot of the finest silk and the best gold! (greedy eyes)

  皇 帝:好,你们要多少都可以。(挥手)

  The Emperor: Well, how many you can. (waved)


  Two swindlers: thank his majesty.

  旁 白:骗子把金子和生丝都装进了自己的口袋里。两个骗子天天没日没夜的工作,可织布机上空空的,因为本来就什么都没有,几天后皇帝想让人去看看织得怎么样,就派了他一个诚实的老大臣去了。

  Narrator: liar put gold and silk are in his pocket. Two swindlers every day and night work, can the looms, as did nothing else, a few days later the emperor wants to have a look the fabric does, they sent him an honest old minister to the.


  Narrator: so, the old minister went to the two swindlers work room.


  A: you see, this is what a beautiful cloth.

  旁白: 天啊!

  Narrator: oh!


  Old minister: (was particularly large eyes) how I saw nothing! You can not let others know. (mind) so beautiful cloth, really beautiful, I will tell your majesty. (applauded)

  旁 白:这样,老臣报告了陛下布很漂亮,不久,皇帝又派一位官员去。

  Narrator: so, veteran reported majesty beautiful cloth, soon, the emperor also sent an official to go.


  Narrator: the official and the last official encounter.


  Liar: (trick) you look beautiful this cloth?


  Narrator: the swindler gave a description of his.


  Officer: Oh! It's beautiful! I am very satisfied.


  Narrator: in fact, officials saw nothing, but he was reluctant to admit "". Soon, the emperor went to another and a group of men.


  Two swindlers: Your Majesty, see, what beautiful cloth!

  皇 帝:难道我愚蠢吗?不!我不能让别人知道(心里所想)。这布太漂亮了!我十二分满意。(目光看起来十分高兴)

  The Emperor: am I stupid? No! I can not let people know (mind). This cloth is too beautiful! I am twelve satisfied. (eye looks very happy)

  随 员:陛下,真是美极了!您就用这美丽的布料去做成衣服,参加游行大典吧。

  With the clerk: Your Majesty, is really beautiful! You can use this beautiful cloth to make clothes, to participate in the parade.

  旁 白:皇帝答应了,并且封两个骗子为爵士和御聘织师,还赠送一枚可以挂在扣眼上的勋章。到快要进行游行大典的时候,皇帝就和他的骑士取衣服。

  Narrator: the emperor agreed, and the closure of the two swindlers jazz and the imperial court weavers, also presented one to hang in the buttonhole. When going to march to the ceremony, the emperor and his knights to take clothes.


  Two swindlers: Your Majesty, please see! What a beautiful! (raised two fingers) these are the trousers, the robe, this is the coat, the clothes is very gentle, worn on the human body and not like, is also its advantages.

  骑 士:没错。

  Knight: yes.


  Two swindlers: please take off your clothes majesty, we in the large mirror for you to wear.

  旁 白:皇帝脱下了所有的衣服,两个骗子装模作样的给皇帝穿了上去,皇帝也扭了扭腰肢。

  Narrator: the emperor took off all the clothes, two crooks go to the emperor wearing the affectation, the emperor has twisted the twist waist.

  大 家:上帝啊!多么美丽的衣服啊!真是一套贵重的衣服。

  A: Jesus christ! What a beautiful dress! It is a precious clothes.

  旁 白:就这样,皇帝跟随从们一起去参加了游行大典,大臣们在皇帝后面拖着根本不存在的衣服,他们不想让人知道自己不称职或者愚蠢。

  Narrator: in this way, they went from the emperor to follow in the parade, ministers dragged behind the emperor's clothes did not exist, they do not want to let people know that they are incompetent or stupid.

  百 姓:乖乖!陛下的新装真是太漂亮了!真是把他衬托的无比美丽!(拍手称赞)

  People: darling! Your clothes are very beautiful! Really put off his incomparable beauty! (clap)

  孩 子:可他什么衣服也没有穿啊!

  Child: but he has nothing on!

  爸 爸:上帝啊!请聆听这个纯真的声音!

  Dad: Jesus christ! Please listen to the voice of innocence!

  旁 白:就这样,话传了开来。

  Narrator: so, word spread.

  人 们:他实在没穿什么衣服呀!

  People: he is not wearing any clothes!

  旁 白:(此处要根据文章作出相应的动作)皇帝似乎觉得百姓们所说的话是真的,但他想:我必须把游行大典举行完毕!于是,他便以更高傲的神情向前走,他的大臣们在他身后走,手中拖着一条根本不存在的后裙。

  Narrator: (here to make corresponding action according to article) Emperor seems to think that people are saying is true, but he thought: I have to parade! Then, he looked more proud to move forward, and his ministers to go in behind him, dragging one hand did not exist in the rear apron.

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